Stage Trad Climbing Crack Climbing

Stage Trad Climbing Crack Climbingtrad-stage-logo


Joints, techniques, hands, self protection with friends and nuts. Accompanied by professionals guides of the Trad climbing style.
Orco Valley is at the center of the Gran Paradiso National Park, a narrow valley surrounded by granite walls and wild nature.
We are on the natural stage of great climbers who since 1972 have made the history of climbing Trad, almost simultaneously with the great movement that was developing in America in Yosemite Valley.
From Gervasutti and Kosterlitz until we get to our unforgotten Adriano Trombetta passing through the duo Villanueva / Favresse
Stage Trad Climbing Crack Climbing

Stage Trad Climbing

PDF Download (11mb) Plan and details click HERE


Adriano trombetta Blog’s Click HERE

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Office: Via Rajola, 32 80053
Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli).

Indoor Climbing Wall: Via delle Sorgenti, 80051
Agerola (Napoli).

Operating Locations: Alps, Dolomites, Amalfi Coast. Italy


+39 338 727 9878